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Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2025
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2024
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2023
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2022
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2021
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2020
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2019
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2018
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2017
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2016
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Sequoyah County)2015
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2024
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2023
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2022
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2021
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2020
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2019
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2018
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2017
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2016
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs (Tulsa County)2015
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs A1 (Tulsa County)2025
Liberty Public Schools Estimate of Needs A1 (Tulsa County)2020
Liberty Public School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs LLP on 03-05-2020.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 03-27-2018.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC on 01-24-2024.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 02-28-2023.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, C.P.A. on 03-29-2022.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, C.P.A on 02-26-2021.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, C.P.A on 04-23-2020.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 03-05-2019.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, C.P.A. on 04-04-2017.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 02-23-2016.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 03-10-2015.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 03-10-2014.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 04-02-2013.
Liberty School District C-1 (Sequoyah County)
  Submitted by Kerry John Patten, CPA on 03-27-2012.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Bledsoe Hewett & Gullekson on 03-20-2024.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Bledsoe Hewett & Gullekson on 02-16-2023.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Bledsoe Hewett & Gullekson on 02-22-2022.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Bledsoe Hewett & Gullekson on 03-09-2021.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 01-28-2019.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 02-26-2018.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 02-22-2017.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 01-08-2016.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 01-16-2015.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 02-07-2014.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders, Bledsoe & Hewett, CPAs, LLP on 01-15-2013.
Liberty School District I-14 (Tulsa County)
  Submitted by Sanders Bledsoe & Hewett on 01-18-2012.
Town of Liberty- Census Form 2644
  Submitted by Debbie Gilliland on 02-03-2017.

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